Nov 30, 2023

Revenue Operations (RevOps) Glossary

Revenue Operations (RevOps) Glossary

Revenue Operations (RevOps) Glossary

Revenue Operations (RevOps) has many acronyms and terms. Here a list with definitions.

Account Expansion: Strategies to increase revenue from existing customers through upselling, cross-selling, or other methods.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): A focused strategy where marketing and sales collaborate for personalized experiences for high-value accounts.

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): Yearly revenue expected from ongoing customer subscriptions or services.

Average Contract Value (ACV): The average annual value of customer contracts, indicating the typical deal size.

Bookings: The total value of all new contracts signed over a specific period, used as a growth indicator.

Churn Rate: Percentage of customers or subscribers discontinuing their service over a given period.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Total cost associated with acquiring a new customer.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimated total revenue expected from a customer throughout their relationship.

Customer Success: Efforts to ensure customers achieve desired outcomes using a product or service.

Deal Desk: A team or process managing complex sales deals for compliance and profitability.

Demand Generation: Targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in products or services.

Forecast Accuracy: Measure of how closely sales forecasts align with actual sales.

Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM): An action plan specifying how to reach target customers and gain competitive advantage.

Gross Margin: Revenue minus cost of goods sold, divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A measurable value indicating effectiveness in achieving key business objectives.

Lead Conversion Rate: Percentage of leads that convert into customers.

Lead Scoring: Methodology for ranking prospects based on perceived value and purchase likelihood.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): A lead likely to become a customer based on specific marketing criteria.

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Metric measuring customer loyalty based on their likelihood to recommend a product or service.

Pipeline Coverage: Metric comparing sales pipeline size to sales quota to estimate business potential.

Product-Led Growth (PLG): A strategy where the product is the main driver of customer acquisition and expansion.

Qualified Lead: A prospect interested in a product and meeting criteria to be a potential customer.

Quota: Sales target based on revenue or units sold for a salesperson or team.

Revenue Operations (RevOps): Function focused on maximizing revenue by aligning sales, marketing, and support. (Short definition)

Retention Rate: Percentage of customers retained over a specific period, indicative of satisfaction and loyalty.

Sales Automation: Using software to automate repetitive tasks in the sales process.

Sales Enablement: Providing the sales team with necessary information, content, and tools for effective selling.

Sales Forecasting: Predicting future sales for resource management and planning.

Sales Pipeline: The process followed by sales teams to convert prospects into customers.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): A prospect vetted by marketing and sales, ready for direct sales engagement.

Sales Velocity: The rate at which prospects move through the sales pipeline to generate revenue.

Service Level Agreement (SLA): Contract detailing expected service levels between a provider and client.

Total Contract Value (TCV): Cumulative value of a contract, including all recurring and one-time charges.

Upselling: Encouraging customers to purchase a higher-end product than originally intended.

Win Rate: Percentage of sales opportunities that result in a successful sale.

Revenue Operations (RevOps) has many acronyms and terms. Here a list with definitions.

Account Expansion: Strategies to increase revenue from existing customers through upselling, cross-selling, or other methods.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): A focused strategy where marketing and sales collaborate for personalized experiences for high-value accounts.

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): Yearly revenue expected from ongoing customer subscriptions or services.

Average Contract Value (ACV): The average annual value of customer contracts, indicating the typical deal size.

Bookings: The total value of all new contracts signed over a specific period, used as a growth indicator.

Churn Rate: Percentage of customers or subscribers discontinuing their service over a given period.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Total cost associated with acquiring a new customer.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimated total revenue expected from a customer throughout their relationship.

Customer Success: Efforts to ensure customers achieve desired outcomes using a product or service.

Deal Desk: A team or process managing complex sales deals for compliance and profitability.

Demand Generation: Targeted marketing programs to drive awareness and interest in products or services.

Forecast Accuracy: Measure of how closely sales forecasts align with actual sales.

Go-To-Market Strategy (GTM): An action plan specifying how to reach target customers and gain competitive advantage.

Gross Margin: Revenue minus cost of goods sold, divided by revenue, expressed as a percentage.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI): A measurable value indicating effectiveness in achieving key business objectives.

Lead Conversion Rate: Percentage of leads that convert into customers.

Lead Scoring: Methodology for ranking prospects based on perceived value and purchase likelihood.

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL): A lead likely to become a customer based on specific marketing criteria.

Net Promoter Score (NPS): Metric measuring customer loyalty based on their likelihood to recommend a product or service.

Pipeline Coverage: Metric comparing sales pipeline size to sales quota to estimate business potential.

Product-Led Growth (PLG): A strategy where the product is the main driver of customer acquisition and expansion.

Qualified Lead: A prospect interested in a product and meeting criteria to be a potential customer.

Quota: Sales target based on revenue or units sold for a salesperson or team.

Revenue Operations (RevOps): Function focused on maximizing revenue by aligning sales, marketing, and support. (Short definition)

Retention Rate: Percentage of customers retained over a specific period, indicative of satisfaction and loyalty.

Sales Automation: Using software to automate repetitive tasks in the sales process.

Sales Enablement: Providing the sales team with necessary information, content, and tools for effective selling.

Sales Forecasting: Predicting future sales for resource management and planning.

Sales Pipeline: The process followed by sales teams to convert prospects into customers.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): A prospect vetted by marketing and sales, ready for direct sales engagement.

Sales Velocity: The rate at which prospects move through the sales pipeline to generate revenue.

Service Level Agreement (SLA): Contract detailing expected service levels between a provider and client.

Total Contract Value (TCV): Cumulative value of a contract, including all recurring and one-time charges.

Upselling: Encouraging customers to purchase a higher-end product than originally intended.

Win Rate: Percentage of sales opportunities that result in a successful sale.



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